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who wrote the letter). Intelligibility

Clamcasexfs 459/0 13/10/2021 13/10/21 09:17

personality of the writer, and objective ones depend

Vortexmsn 453/0 13/10/2021 13/10/21 08:49

, however, the results of graphological

Beaterrot 496/0 13/10/2021 13/10/21 03:40

Test, just a test

DavidHef 449/0 12/10/2021 12/10/21 19:54

for handwritten publishers

Flashpaqexe 456/0 12/10/2021 12/10/21 01:39

that is, readable, or

Universaltdf 451/0 11/10/2021 11/10/21 03:41

usually occurs within

Cutterozi 453/0 07/10/2021 07/10/21 05:40

Handwriting can be "good"

Pouringnkj 449/0 05/10/2021 05/10/21 06:47

personality of the writer, and objective ones depend

Linksysndr 458/0 04/10/2021 04/10/21 11:13

writing motor skill

Infraredfzs 462/0 01/10/2021 01/10/21 18:52

, however, the results of graphological

Humminbirdujt 474/0 01/10/2021 01/10/21 11:27


Xetiran 521/0 19/09/2021 19/09/21 19:48

various factors of both subjective

Wirelessbwi 558/0 15/07/2021 15/07/21 03:31

writing and based on his

Artisankcn 539/0 13/07/2021 13/07/21 18:33

various factors of both subjective

Independentpoj 558/0 13/07/2021 13/07/21 16:04

who wrote the letter). Intelligibility

Scannerhlw 551/0 12/07/2021 12/07/21 18:58

, however, the results of graphological

Rigidgjk 568/0 12/07/2021 12/07/21 03:57

going through the writing process.

Augustemx 583/0 12/07/2021 12/07/21 00:26

, however, the results of graphological

Professionalghp 543/0 11/07/2021 11/07/21 02:36

Particularly good handwriting

Fingerboardomf 558/0 07/07/2021 07/07/21 15:37

handwritten texts,

Speakernbr 559/0 06/07/2021 06/07/21 20:31

usually occurs within

Furrionbfu 568/0 22/06/2021 22/06/21 21:44

indistinct (even for a person

Telecasterfth 569/0 17/06/2021 17/06/21 09:45

handwritten texts,

Weaponwwl 576/0 13/06/2021 13/06/21 00:40

going through the writing process.

Vitamixhmj 602/0 02/06/2021 02/06/21 08:57

system of movements using

Foamyad 626/0 01/06/2021 01/06/21 04:11

materials of figures of the past.

Juicerzeh 598/0 30/05/2021 30/05/21 08:51

usually occurs within

Sprinklermto 621/0 27/05/2021 27/05/21 11:59

going through the writing process.

Fingerboardmfg 612/0 27/05/2021 27/05/21 09:06

in letters and manuscripts

Airbladeplb 609/0 24/05/2021 24/05/21 09:58
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