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various factors of both subjective

Incipioudu 709/0 10/02/2021 10/02/21 23:30

characteristic for each

Generationhoo 714/0 10/02/2021 10/02/21 22:01

picky in M.V.Dobuzhinsky.

Ascentdlh 714/0 08/02/2021 08/02/21 08:25

start to write on the keyboard

Vortexzsr 723/0 07/02/2021 07/02/21 17:34

Particularly good handwriting

Squierhlm 703/0 06/02/2021 06/02/21 17:22

going through the writing process.

Sightbuj 695/0 03/02/2021 03/02/21 22:33

forensic research of documents (handwriting). Also handwriting

Weaponura 775/0 02/02/2021 02/02/21 10:35

Handwriting - recorded in the manuscript,

Independentzco 739/0 28/01/2021 28/01/21 16:35

research is not universally recognized in

Avalanchevnu 776/0 24/01/2021 24/01/21 17:28

Examining handwritten texts

Superchipsllo 747/0 24/01/2021 24/01/21 15:10

forensic research of documents (handwriting). Also handwriting

Superchipszjc 777/0 24/01/2021 24/01/21 13:09

personality of the writer, and objective ones depend

Artisanzuz 748/0 24/01/2021 24/01/21 12:49

research is not universally recognized in

Marshalllqv 721/0 24/01/2021 24/01/21 09:34

forensic research of documents (handwriting). Also handwriting

Amazonnncmr 748/0 24/01/2021 24/01/21 06:38

materials of figures of the past.

Milwaukeekzf 724/0 24/01/2021 24/01/21 05:39

have a huge impact

BlackVueawn 715/0 24/01/2021 24/01/21 00:24

is shrinking (people are increasingly

BlackVuexcg 781/0 23/01/2021 23/01/21 08:47

that is, readable, or

Speakervgy 770/0 22/01/2021 22/01/21 09:18

research is not universally recognized in

Rigidbjh 742/0 22/01/2021 22/01/21 08:17

forensic research of documents (handwriting). Also handwriting

Yamahahiw 768/0 21/01/2021 21/01/21 03:49

personality of the writer, and objective ones depend

Rachiolrf 742/0 19/01/2021 19/01/21 13:45

in letters and manuscripts

Yamahaemr 743/0 19/01/2021 19/01/21 02:48

handwriting matters

Foambfw 721/0 18/01/2021 18/01/21 05:20

going through the writing process.

Testerqnc 751/0 17/01/2021 17/01/21 01:49

Particularly good handwriting

Mojavepmt 748/0 16/01/2021 16/01/21 12:31

โควิด แบบนี้ เปลี่ยน 10บาท ของท่านเป็นเงินหมื่นง่ายๆ

Goldenslot 1034/0 15/01/2021 15/01/21 10:49

Handwriting - recorded in the manuscript,

Leupolduoh 774/0 14/01/2021 14/01/21 05:41

characteristic for each

Extractionusu 755/0 12/01/2021 12/01/21 15:22

which the conventional graphic symbols are executed.

Feederbzh 818/0 11/01/2021 11/01/21 09:01

who wrote the letter). Intelligibility

Arnottwkc 780/0 09/01/2021 09/01/21 14:09
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